Christian Artists Seminar
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The theme for CA 2017

The digital world of work – Art/Culture/Industry 4.0

subtitle: working conditions, requirements of the new vocational skills, reform of education and training systems, employment trends and income distribution in society

Day 1 (August 5): Afternoon: Registration and from 16.00 – 17.30: INTRODUCTION TO THE THEME

  1. WHY we discuss this topic, and WHAT does it have to do with our daily work. Lector Leen La Rivière, NL;
  2. We build on the outcomes of the CA seminars of 2016 and 2015; a condensed overview and we do that in the context of the EU, what is Europe. Lector Prof. Evert van de Pol, France + Belgium. Europe will be continued on August 8;
  3. We go into small groups, forming communities for contact and discussions. Lector Judith Stevenson, UK.

Day 2 (August 6): Morning part 1 (9.00 – 10.30): working conditions, Lector TBA:

  1. In the arts/culture sector we go from employment to selfemployed. It creates health risks, huge time pressures, breakup of families;
  2. How to arrange health insurance;
  3. How to arrange your retirement;
  4. What means social security for the selfemployed (is there any?);
  5. How to handle your family responsabilities (including paying for kids studies);
  6. How to not be an island/work alone, or create a criativo vaccum…


Day 2 (August 6) Morning part 2 (11.00 – 12.30): requirements of the new vocational skills, Lector Prof. Ward Roofthooft (Belgium) ADDED:

  1. Besides study of the instrument, dance, painting and such we need management and entrepeneurial skills;
  2. How to work with agencies, managers, bookers-coaches;
  3. How to keep in touch with changing legislation for our sector, including internet, copyrights and such;
  4. How to fund further training in the lifelong learning mode…


Day 2 (August 6) Afternoon part 1 (14.00 – 15.30): reform of education and training systems, Lector Dr. Paul Fransen (Netherlands) ADDED:

  1. Besides study of the instrument, dance, painting and such we need management and entrepeneurial skills;
  2. How to work with trained managers (as teamwork?), bookers in the arts scene;
  3. Vocational training is needed… do we have good masters (in the sector arts/culture);
  4. The importance of social skills;
  5. Importance of not losing ones identity within the whole brand new shape of society/world: knowledge of the real self, balancing the oughtself and never forgetting the vocational self => self development/knowledge (coming back to what Paul Donders said, need to take a pause to think and plan…);
  6. The artist as teacher, being part of the reform…


Day 2 (August 6) Afternoon part 2 (16.00 – 17.00): employment trends, Lector Dr.Geoffrey Stevenson (UK) ADDED:

  1. There is a strong trend in general from employment to self-employment. What are the blessings and what are the curses of these changes; If Employed: less protection, you are vulnerable, do more for less money; if Self-employed: becoming slaves of yourselves to get a minimum income;
  2. The effects of the flexabilization of society (local, family, city, etc);
  3. How to deal with burn-out;
  4. How to work around cliques;
  5. More and more we see digitalization in the sector arts/culture. Does that mean fewer jobs? Or does it create new jobs?
  6. The internet and multiple artistic identities: are they a way to reach different audiences, or a recipe for split personality disorders?
  7. How to remain valid/relevant as an older/mature artist;
  8. Not losing one’s ‘vocational self’: Understanding the difference between ought self, real self and vocational self, and find balance; Developing your calling with ‘eyes wide open’; The desire for ‘success’ and being truthful about motives; Dealing with disappointment and turning points caused by ‘closed doors’; Balancing artistic freedom with pleasing / selling to audiences…


Day 2 (August 6) Afternoon part 3 (17.00 – 18.00): small group meetings

Day 3 (August 7) Morning part 1 (9.00 – 10.30): income distribution in society, Lector Prof. Lasma Dobele (Latvia) ADDED:

  1. Selfemployment seems to work for the high and very high educated. But what about the blue color levels??? Too many bad examples here of misuse till modern slavery;
  2. Some workers in the arts/culture get as well income from copyrights, etc. Here is a growing pressure for a reform of the copyright laws into open source. The dangers: loss of income out of copyrighs;
  3. Discussion about the values of society e.a your values in the midst of this society; this includes views on family. This includes TOO the spiritual well-being of the persons;
  4. There is a cultural-economical-political elite who decides so much (too much); how to work around these blockades;
  5. Arts and culture shape society/are the lungs of society: if income is cut off/reduced to minimum (as it is in process in many countries), like lungs deprived of air, what future for society?
  6. Where are the trade unions today? How can an artist be part of this protection? …


Day 3 (August 7) Morning part 2 (11.00 – 12.30): small groups meetings + CONCLUSIONS